Chapter 55 – [Epilogue] Zhao Yu Xiang’s Diary #3
Translator: XHu
Editor: Isabelle
Quality Check: Kittsune
First Published on Ainushi.
Today was family health checkup day.
Dad and Papa paid close attention to everyone’s health in the family, so everyone in the family had a thorough physical exam every year.
It’s really because the older and richer people get, the more afraid of dying they are!
There are many tests I didn’t need to get since I was just a twelve-year-old boy. I finished my exam very quickly — I was growing nice and strong just like last year.
Dad and Papa accompanied Mom to the gynecology clinic, and I didn’t know where Grandma Yu went. I could only wait in the hospital’s president’s office to wait for them to find me.
After a while, I suddenly saw Dad’s car drive away from the hospital through the window, and I froze. I wasn’t even in the car. How could they just leave without me? Could it be that after raising me for twelve years, they couldn’t put up with me clinging to their wife, so they decided to finally abandon me?
I hurriedly ran out to go find the hospital president to have him send me home. I didn’t have any money on me, and I didn’t have any way of taking a cab. I also didn’t want to burden my fragile legs to walk home, so I could only trouble the hospital president to serve as my chauffeur for now.
When I got home, I didn’t see my fathers. Only Grandma Yu was sitting alone in the living room staring blankly. From time to time, she’d smile, but then she’d look worried. What was up with her? Could it be that there was bad news from the checkup? Even though I loved Mom the most, Grandma Yu was the person whom I loved second most. I hadn’t fully demonstrated my appreciation for her yet, so she better not have gotten any problems.
Seeing the worried look on my face, Grandma Yu hurriedly told me her examination results. Her body was very healthy, and she could live another twenty years without issue. Hearing this, I felt relieved.
However, Grandma Yu said that it was Mom’s exam that had some issues.
My entire body immediately froze.
There was something wrong with Mom’s body?
I hastily rushed upstairs, wanting to find Mom’s room to ask her properly. However, her room was locked. I banged with all my strength, desperately wishing I could smash open the door and force my way in.
The door opened, and the person who came out was Dad, who normally always had a false smile on his face. However, right now, there was no fake smile on him — there was only ice cold fear.
He only said one phrase to me — “Get out.”
This was my first time seeing him so out of control. I was frightened out of my wits. Even after Grandma Yu took me downstairs to the living room, I still hadn’t regained my senses.
Grandma Yu explained to me that Mom wasn’t sick at all. Rather, she was pregnant.
I was frozen solid like I had been struck by lightning.
A forty-one-year-old woman can get pregnant?!
This was just too outrageous! No wonder Dad looked so terrible. I had read books before, and I saw that it was extremely dangerous for older women to give birth. I didn’t want Mom to be exposed to any kind of danger, and I trusted that Dad and Papa felt exactly the same way.
Who knows what will be the fate of my poor little brother or little sister?
Kittsune: As a note on behalf of XHu there is still one more epilogue that was supposed to be released today. However our beloved translator XHu has been extremely busy as of recently and has yet to complete the chapter. So do expect there to be one final chapter as the last one is much longer than the previous chapters so it has been delayed a bit and will be up as soon as XHu can get to it. So thanks for being with us til the end of this novel and have a great White Day!!
There was two and now there are three men worrying about her. I am so jealous I wish I could have the same. Oh well I supposed I can write my own story, make believe or otherwise. Thanks for this chapter.
Finally, today I openned and refreshed this site many times for the updates and I was even like “White day is 14th March right? No? Does different country celebrate it on different day??” But it proved that i just think too much, thank you thank you soooooooo much for the translation of this novel ??
Thank you for the chapter~
May we have the last chapter sir?
Well, that is really sad. Perhaps kindness indeed is foolish, and money will always surpass justice.
She indeed became a broken winged angel, unable to ever fly away again.
Thanks for your hard work! Although I like the ero, I mostly read it for the plot
Thank you very much too for sticking with us till the very end!!! I’ll be waiting for the last chapter like a loyal eunuch.. Hahaha.. Really love it!!!!
I bet if the child is a girl, and that she (mc) died due to childbirth, the child will get so roughed up with three men being overprotective with her. *sigh*
Millions thanks to the translator, really appreciated it. It is a very interesting story. My first time to read this type of novel. I find it’s hard to read at the beginning, at the same the same I can’t stop it. The translator did a very good job. ???Just wish the author write a little more details about the MC, and the twins POV. Really enjoy to read ZYX’s POV.
Can’t wait for to read the last chapter ?. ZYX is so adorable
ooh 1 more ch~ Secretly hoping you’ll continue the teaser, “THE PRINCE HAS ALL KINDS OF STRANGE HOBBIES”~ Thanks for the ch!!
We need the final epilogue pls…tq.??
The final epilogue please, you cant let us like that translator. Please it’s has been almost two month since the last release.
Still waiting for the next epilogue! Hope the translator could upload it? Thank you!
The next chapter please!?!
Father’s day is Sunday June 17th… you could post the last chapter on that day?…Please?
When will the last chapter be updated????
Sabe eu por muitas vezes quis parar de ler essa novel… mas não consegui… eu odeio os gêmeos, não importa o quanto eles tentaram mudar, eu definitivamente nunca gostei deles. Eu sou acostumada a ler novels com estupro, mas definitivamente essa superou todas. Talvez eu não tenha sentido simpatia por eles pelo começo, que retrata QX presa, então qualquer traço de simpatia desapareceu quando juntou tudo o que eles fizeram… eu odeio quando as mulheres escolhem ficar com o abusador, mas é escolha delas, mesmo que grande parte não esteja mentalmente estável, para fazer essa escolha seguramente. Eu senti simpatia pelo pequeno Zhao, talvez porque me deu a impressão que ele é parecido a Yan, que respeitou os sentimentos da QX, mesmo que isso seja porque os pais dele o impeçam de fazer algo que monopolize a QX. Ah e sobre a QX, eu não posso falar muito das escolhas dela, porque eu nunca passei por isso, Graças a Deus, mas eu tentando me colocar no lugar dela, eu com toda a certeza fugiria, mas eu não consideraria o suicídio, eu consideraria matá-los, só não torturaria eles, porque eu não gosto de me perder tempo me vingando. E o porque eu fugiria em todas as possibilidades que eu tivesse, é simplesmente porque eu não aguentaria ter minha liberdade tirada e ser humilhada desse jeito, eu nunca ficaria com os gêmeos. E aquela Mama Yu ou algo assim… Dane-se o passado deles, velha. Eu nunca pedi que eles sofressem e eles ainda descontam em mim?? Se isso é amor, então qual é a definição de tortura, estupro e humilhação? E sobre o irmão da Yan… QX, você foi precipitada de pegar a experiência dele e “usar” na sua. As suas condições eram diferente das dele, tipo sol e lua sabe?! Você foi imprudente, mas não te culpo, nem sei o que faria no seu lugar… No final eu gostaria de dizer que eu não gostei das escolhas da QX e odiei os gêmeos, simpatizei com a Yan e o pequeno Zhao, fiquei indiferente ao irmão da Zhao e desgostei da Mama Yu que deu conselhos ridículos para alguém que não estava mentalmente estável, acho que ridículos não é a palavra certa, foi irracional, conselhos parciais para pessoas mentalmente fracas é um abuso. Mesmo assim cheguei até aqui e esperando ver se esses gêmeos malditos morrem pelas mãos da QX. Obrigada pela tradução!! E a todos que leram meu texto especial até aqui! <3
Oh e como eu pude esquecer de falar sobre a mãe da QX… Essa mulher, eu até tinha uma opinião boa sobre ela.. Mas aí veio a cena em que ela fica furiosa com QX por ter fugido antes do casamento… Epa pera aí, se eu fujo do meu casamento é porque está indo tudo bem com ele??? Claro que não!!!! Tem algum problema certo?! Essa mãe que parecia carinhosa e tudo o mais, pisou na bola e mostrou que ela não conhecia a própria filha e nem mostrou preocupação por ela! Claro a QX não ia contar nada do que aconteceu e acontecia, mas o mínimo como mãe que ela deveria ter feito era ter se preocupado. Eu fiquei decepcionada com ela. Ah e eu senti falta da rude Xia Mei Wei ou Wei Mei kkkkk ela era legal, mesmo eu tendo desconfiado dela no começo, achando que ela era falsa… depois eu vi que não e amei os conselhos dela, achei ela super parecida comigo, principalmente a parte de que ela é rude! <3
Ah eu gostei muito de comentar isso tudo, porque eu estava segurando isso desde o começo, por isso o texto grande.. He he
Thank you for the journey.
I can’t say I enjoyed it but I didn’t hate it either. It was a new experience reading this type of thing.
I guess the insanity runs in the family. *sigh*
When are you going to release the last chapter?
This novel is interesting. My first time reading this type of novel. Must say I could not stop reading until the very end. I was wondering if you will ever get the last epilogue translated?
any news on the last chapter??
love it… when will the next update? cant wait,
I have never read a more fucked up characters in my life and it was quite interesting to read. Sad fate of a woman surrounded with phsycopaths. Little boy turning into phsycopath just like his father. Interesting and very revolting story.
Now its already 2022. When it was going to update ar ??? 😭😭😭😭
My gad, I’ll be thinking about this whole day ╥﹏╥
Hello, its October 2023 now, will there be plans on releasing the LAST chapter. I hope so…been refreshing this page every month for updates. Well, anyway, thanks for translating this novel.
They have plans to publish the last chapter