Chapter 65 Omake: Hairstyle

Translator: Kriz

Editor: 5d100

First published on Ainushi



「Hey Andou-kun…」


「Yes, Asakura-san?」


「The light novels that you read…」




「Most of them seem to feature long black-haired heroines. Are those the type you fancy…?」


「Hueee!? Eh… No- well, m-maybe…? Now that you mention it, there’s quite a few of them, huh?」


「Tee-he-he~… I see~」


Geez, Asakura-san! I was wondering why you asked that all of a sudden… but I guess, it’s just our usual chats about our taste in light novels. It wasn’t like she was asking if I liked girls with long black hair in general, but rather, my interest in long black-haired heroines. Yeah… real life and light novels are different so… (Andou)


Andou-kun likes long black hair… Andou-kun likes long black hair…Andou-kun likes long black hair… Andou-kun likes long black hair…Andou-kun likes long black hair… Andou-kun likes long black hair…Andou-kun likes long black hair… Andou-kun likes long black hair…Andou-kun likes long black hair… Andou-kun likes long black hair…Andou-kun likes long black hair… Andou-kun likes long black hair…… To sum up, that has got to equal Andou-kun loves MY black hair! Muuuu… KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (Asakura)


「W-Well… It’s probably just a coincidence that there are a lot of light novels with long black-haired heroines. Aha, ahahaha…」


「Hah, what did you say?」


「Asakura-san, why are you suddenly reacting like a typical light novel tsundere heroine?」


I have decided to have long black hair for the rest of my life! (Asakura)


Translator’s Notes:

Well, er this was supposed to be out Sunday last week but I got delayed. A few more chapters in the pile… soon soon

Editor’s Notes:

Uh… I thought she was a tsundere, but, is that a bit of Yandere I see?

Andou, at this point, just give up and accept your fate.


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