Chapter 77 Omake: Fantasy Maker 

Translator: Kriz

Editor: 5d100

First published on Ainushi




「Hey, Andou-kun.」


「Yes, Asakura-san?」


「Are you familiar with Fantasy Maker?」


「Hmm~ If I’m not mistaken, it’s an app where you type in a person’s name and it predicts what kind of fantasies that person usually have, right?」


It was popular for a while, wasn’t it? But the app doesn’t really make predictions, the results are usually randomized. (Andou)


「That’s the one. Yesterday, I was sorting through the apps on my phone and got nostalgic. If you’re in the mood, want to give it a go?」


「Yeah, alright.」


Come to think of it, I’ve never done anything like this before. (Andou)


「Then I’ll start by typing in your name, Andou-kun.」


I know that the results are random, but I still want to do it anyway. Now then, I wonder what Andou-kun’s results will be—– (Asakura)


Andou-kun’s Fantasy Diagnosis


【 Boobs  Boobs  Light Novels  Boobs  Light Novels  Long Black Hair  Boobs  Light Novels  Boobs Boobs  Light Novels  Boobs  Boobs  Light Novels  Boobs  Buttocks Light Novels Boobs  Light Novels  Small Breasts  Light Novels  Boobs Light Novels 】


「…………」 *silence*


「… Andou-kun?」 *stares*


What the heckkkkkk!??? It’s absurdly spot onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!? (Andou)


「Haha, ha… It’s just a game of randomness, isn’t it? Ahaha…」


「Fufu… I see.」 *stares*


「L-Lyook! W-W-Why don’t you try it out too, Asakura-san? I’m curious about your diagnostic results as well~」


「Really? Then, I’ll try typing mine in…」


「Go, go!」


Anyway, I need to get rid of that diagnostic results page as quick as possible——- (Andou)


Assakura-san’s Fantasy Diagnosis


【 Melons  Breasts  Light Novels  Boobs Jubblies  Melons  Large Breasts  Light Novels  Melons Melons Boobs Melons Light Novels Melons Breasts Light Novels Jubblies!  Boobs  Breasts  Light Novels  Boobs Milk  Boobs  Breasts Light Novels 】


「…………」 *stares*

「…………」 *stares*


W-Whattttttttttt is thisssssssss!? It’s not like I’ve been ruminating that much on my breasts! (Asakura)


「Oh, my, it is afterall just a game. Ufufu… Seriously, there’s absolutely no way I’ll spend my time ruminating over all these things… Right, An-dou-ku-n?」


「Ha, Haha… It is just a random game—- Hnn? Asakura-san, here, where you entered your name… There’s an additional character in 『Asakura』, looks like an extra『S』」


「Eh, oh! You’re right! I must have mistyped that when I was keying my name in.」


「Well then! Let’s just type the correct characters in! Once that’s done, we’ll get the right results this time.」




Geez. How could I have made such a typo? But now, I’ll get the correct results— (Asakura)


Asakura-san’s Fantasy Diagnosis


【 Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Light Novel Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun Andou-kun 】




「A-Asakura-san!? Just what in blazes are these results!?」


Translator’s Notes:

Sorry for being super slow. More things happened in my life: Death of a grand-aunt, Facing eviction due to a tense situation with a next door neighbour, Getting my own place. My life is just reshuffling about.

To destress and to maintain calm chillness, I’ve started an actual VTubing account on YouTube and Twitch. Mostly my primary stream is Twitch though. I’ve also got a completely separate Twitter account for my VTuber persona. Lastly, I do have a personal Discord for that. If anyone wants to hound me over Loner and Juliet, and chit-chat there, feel free to. I never promise I can be fast at it but I do try…

Editor’s Notes:

This reminds me of a story I heard once:


A man asked a famous philosopher “are big breasts better than small breasts?”

The Philosopher thought about it for a while, and pulled out a dollar in quarters and a dollar bill. He asked the man, “which one weighs more?” to which the man replied, “the coins.”

The philosopher then asked, “but which has more value?”


The man was enlightened.

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